Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.

Family: Malvaceae
English: Hibiscus
Hindi: Jasut
Marathi: Jasvand

Brief description:

Hibiscus is one of the most common garden shrubs used for hedges. It grows in any soil with little care. The flowesr is solitary, half opened in the morning, but as the weather warms up, it opens fully. The foliage of this shrub is deep green in colour.

Medicinal use:
• The decoction of the roots of Hibiscus are used for coughs and cold.
• The leaves make a gentle laxative and softens inflamed part.The application of crushed flowers soothes external wound and sore. Theinfusion of the petals of the flower soothes and protects the alimentary tract, relieves inflammation and lower body heat.
• In fever, an infusion of the flowers help to reduce body temperature.

Part Used: The whole plant.


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