Helianthus annus

Helianthus annus L.

Family: Asteraceae
English: Sunflower
Hindi: Surajmukhi
Marathi: Surya phul

Brief description:

The Sun flower plant is very common everywhere. The seeds found in the inflorescence are commercially used for food and for extracting edible oil. There are many varieties of sun flowers. They are cultiavted not only for commercial purpose, but in many gardens, as an ornamental plant.

Medicinal use:
• The crushed leaves and the seeds made into poultice is used for application over bruises, wounds and ulcers.
• The flowers and the dried or fresh leaves are preapared as tea in pulmonary diseases, bronchitis, coughs, asthama, dysentery and whooping cough.
• The oil extracted from the raw seeds is recommended for chest diseases in dose of 10-15 drops, 2 or 3 times a day. The drink made from the seeds is good for headache, nervous conditions, pulmonary and bronchial diseases and colds.

Part Used: The leaves, flowers, seeds and oil.


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