Lablab purpureus

Lablab purpureus (Linn.) sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 1, 481, 1827; Verdcourt in Kew Bull. 24: 410, 1970.

Vernacular name:-Valpapdi
Morphological characters:
Habit:-A large twining perennial or uncer cultivation annual herb.
Leaves:-Trifoliate, alternate, pulvinous base, petiolate, 5-15 cm long, broadly ovate, entire, acute, membranous.
Stipules:-Lanceolate, basifixed.
Inflorescence:-Racemes sometimes reaching 15-20 cm. long.
Flowers:-Bracteate, complete, bisexuals, zygomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous or perigynous, pedicelate.
Pedicels:- densely facicled, 3-6 mm. long.
Bract:- Oblong.
Calyx:- 3-6 mm. long, with short deltoid teeth.
Corolla:-Reddish or white, 1-2 cm. long, pod 3-5 cm. long and 1-2 cm. broad
Androecium:- Stamens (9)+1, Diadelphous.
Gynoecium:- Monocarpellary, superior, unilocular ovary, with marginal placentation, style singal, incurved and stigma simple, terminal.
Pod:- 1.5-2 by 1-2 cm., each containing 2-4 seeds.


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