Asparagus officinalis L.

Asparagus officinalis L.

Family: Liliaceae
English: Asparagus
Hindi: Satavari
Marathi: Satavari

Brief description:

Asparagus racemosus is abeautiful xerophytic garden plant which is often planted in pots for ornamental use. The leaf-like cladodes are succulent and lush green. The leaves are reduced to scales and the stems are spiney in nature. The fasciculated cluster of succulent roots make a good identifying characteristic. The insignificant tiny white flowrs give rise to small fruits, the size of pepper corns. These fruits which are initially green, turn red on maturity.

Medicinal use:

The decoction of the roots
1. Used for promoting appetite
2. Strengthens in giving tone to stomach
3. Giving tone and vitality to the body.
4. Increasing the secretion of milk in lactating mothers.
5. Controlling dysentery.
6. Checking tumours and inflammation.
7. Checking congestion of liver.
8. Used to control tuberculosis and leprosy.
9. Used to control epilepsy and night blindness.

Part Used: Only the succulent roots.


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