Clitoria ternatea

Clitoria ternatea Linn. Sp. Pl. 753, 1753; Curtis, Bot. Mag. 1542, 1813; Graham, Cat. Bombay Pl. 47, 1839; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1: 380, 1902; M.R. Almeida, Fl. Maharashtra 2: 29, 1998; Almeida , Fl. Savantwadi, 121, 1990.

Vernacular name:-Gokarna.

Morphological characters:
Habit:- A perennial twining herb.
Leaves:- Leaves imparipinnate.
Leaflets:- 5-7, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, base obtuse.
Petiole:- ½ to-1 in. long.
Stipules:- Linear, acute.
Stipels:- Filiform.
Inflorescence:- Axillary, solitary.
Flowers:-Bracteate, bracteolate, complete, bisexuals, zygomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous or perigynous.
Calyx:- 5, polysepalous, tubular; the 2 upper teeth sub connate, teeth lanceolate, shorter than the tube.
Corolla:-1-2 in. long; standard bright-blue or sometimes white, 5, polypetalous.
Androecium:- Monoadelphous, anthers uniform.
Gynoecium:- Ovary stalked; ovules many; style elongated, incurved, more or less flattened, beared along the inner side.
Pods:- Stalked, linear, compressed, 2-4 by 1\2 in., flattened, nearly straight, sharply beaked, sparsely appressedly hairy.
Seeds:- 6-10, Yellowish-brown, smooth.

Flowering:- Throughout the year.


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